The church with the open doors
The Church is open every day for quiet and prayer.
Sunday 19th January - Epiphany 210.00am Parish Communion
All are welcome to join us, or watch the 10am service live-streamed HERE
Sunday Readings Weekly Newsletter
Sunday 26th January - Epiphany 3
10.00am Parish Communion
Vicar: The Revd Angela Rayner, 07385 181103, or email.
Some Past Events...
Sunday 13th October10.00am Harvest Communion
12.00pm Multicultural bring & share lunch
with music from a steel band
Sunday 16th June
Fathers Day
10.00am All-age Communion
12.00pm Bring & share lunch
1.00pm Games & fun
Sunday 12th May
Holy Trinity Plant Sale
Thank you to everyone who came to our Plant Sale, and congratulations to those who organised it. Within an hour, we raised the amazing sum of £1.350 for our charities.
10th to 18th May - Light Up the World in Prayer
From Ascension to Pentecost we prayed daily 'Thy Kingdom Come'
In the last year ...
During Lent: We were reading Politics & Mission as our Lent book and meeting weekly to discuss it.
Wednesday February 14th: Ash Wednesday services, including the Children's Craft Service 'into the wilderness'.
Tuesday February 13th: Shrove Tuesday All-age Pancake Party, with pancakes and praise before we buried the Alleluia! until Easter Day.
Friday December 1 2023: Christmas Fair, with hot suppers, home-made cakes, tombola, jewellery, and more. A fun occasion, and we raised just under £2,000 for our charities.
Saturday/Sunday Sep 30/Oct 1 2023: Harvest Supper Curry Night and Harvest Festival service
Sunday August 13 2023: Summer Barbecue at Holy Trinity, after the service.
Sunday June 25 2023: Choral Evensong & Licensing of the Revd Sarah Whitehouse and the Revd Dr Russ Snapp.
Praying for the people of Ukraine
The Lord shall give strength to
his people; the Lord shall give his people
the blessing of peace. (Psalm
God of
strength and peace,
your blessing on the people of Ukraine.
them in their struggles,
them in their fear,
them from all danger
and be
for them the hope they desire;
Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.
Our halls are well equipped and available to hire. To find out more, contact the hall bookings office.
We want to help you celebrate these special days, so please do get in touch.
Our administrator will be able to help you with your application to have your banns read, and all enquiries about baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Drop-in every Monday 2-4pm, no appointment required. Hot food and drinks, help and support with housing, universal credits, nurse available for health & Covid-19 vaccine advice. Foodbank Vouchers available: If you would like to make a donation, please contact the Manager Zorah Baig, CALL 020 8 696 1564 for further details. CAFE LEAFLET
Holy Trinity is grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund, Viridor Credits and the Garfield Weston Foundation for their generous support for the restoration of Holy Trinity's Tower in 2019-20.